The term “health disparities” is often defined as “a difference in which disadvantaged social groups such as the poor, racial/ethnic minorities, women and other groups who have persistently experienced social disadvantage or discrimination systematically experience worse health or greater health risks than more advantaged social groups.”[1] When this term is applied to certain ethnic and racial social groups, it describes the increased presence and severity of certain diseases, poorer health outcomes, and greater difficulty in obtaining healthcare services for these races and ethnicities. When systemic barriers to good health are avoidable yet still remain, they are often referred to as “health inequities.”[2]
At Alameda Health Consortium, we recognize there is much work to be done as we address and work diligently on the healthcare disparities that racism has created. We have always strived to help protect the health of our community members who are largely undeserved and people of color. Through the continued work of our member community health centers, culturally and linguistically responsive care is always provided, and together we have risen to the challenges that the crisis of health disparities has posed to continue to provide accessible quality healthcare for all.