Asian Health Services Is Part of National Network to Combat Anti-Asian Hate
On Monday, September 27th, Asian Health Services (AHS) and The Asian American Foundation (TAAF) held a virtual Anti-Asian Hate Initiative Kick-Off Convening with over 70 participants that included Bay Area community based organizations, foundations, and other community partners. The convening focused on sharing how Oakland will be one of the Action Centers across the nation to address anti-Asian hate and AHS’ partnership work that it is launching with TAAF, understanding key efforts and strategies on Anti-Asian hate, and discussing strategies for community engagement. Anti-hate resources, including TAAF’s Rapid Response Toolkit and the joint TAAF and Stop AAPI Hate Coalition Codebook were shared.
You can read more about this partnership in a recent Washington Post article HERE.
You can learn about Asian Health Services HERE.
You can learn more about The Asian American Foundation HERE.